Nancy Bush Sock Knitters

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Ring Rules

To be a member of this ring:

You must have a knitting blog, where you talk about knitting.

You must post regularly. For our purposes regularly will be at least once a week.
The ring code must be correct and must be visible on the page where your blog is located.

Your blog must be written in english.

You are responsible for making chages to your blog information (new url, new email, new blog name).

When joining the ring:
Your blog must be at least a month old.

Your blog must show regular postings (once a week) for the last month.

You have one week from the time you submit your site to get your ring code up and running correctly.

You will receive a message from RingSurf with your Ring Code and Ring ID. Please keep this message for your records!


Blogger OzKnitter said...

Hi Rebecca

I clicked the link to join the ring, but it just took me to the RingSurf site, rather than a place to sign up for this particular ring.

1:24 AM  
Blogger Kristy said...

Rebecca, the same thing happened to me as ozknitter. The link to join is not working correctly.

9:25 AM  
Blogger Rebecca said...

I think I've fixed the link to join the ring.......give it a try.

3:57 PM  
Blogger Karen said...

ok I've joined and got the link but it looks nothing like the other members. No picture and too much junk. HELP

4:34 PM  
Blogger Rebecca said...

Hi Karen,
If you email me I can help you with your ring html. For starters, if you would like the image picture you need to save it to your hard drive and then load it onto a free server (like Then you plug that into the code on your template.

My email address is:

3:48 PM  

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